De Soto, MO | Two Missouri parents were horrified to discover their babysitter had turned into a crystal meth-smoking cannibal when they found the remains of their three-month-old child cooked in the microwave.
After a night out at the movies, the young parents came home to find a confused babysitter under the influence of alcohol and crystal meth who had lost consciousness and was covered in blood in the family’s living room. Moments later, they made the gruesome discovery when the mother saw something moving behind the microwave door.

Police Officer Dwayne Johnson was the first on the scene and found a “very confused” and “incoherent” babysitter lying half-conscious in the family’s living room
“Only a few hits”
Anna Krutchiev, the 16-year-old babysitter, claims she had bought some crystal meth and only took a few hits before she became exceedingly hungry and eventually lost consciousness.
“I just took a few tokes because I was bored and wanted to stay awake,” she told Officer Johnson. “All I remember is that I started getting really hungry, ate some chicken wings and passed out” recalls the police officer, visibly traumatized by the events.
Covered in barbecue sauce
The 3-month-old child was found in the microwave, covered in barbecue sauce, and was rushed to Springfield’s Mercy Hospital where he is listed in critical condition.
“It appears she tried to cook him in the microwave oven but did not time it long enough to completely cook him. She was probably disoriented and lost consciousness moments later,” explained Sheriff deputy James Anderson of the Jefferson County Police Department. “Teeth marks were found on the baby’s arms and legs but luckily he only suffered 3rd degree burns.”
The state of Missouri has led, for more than a decade, the nation in methamphetamine busts. A recent 2016 state-wide study revealed that more than 60% of adults aged 21 and higher have tried crystal meth at least once and close to 40% of respondents believed crystal meth should be decriminalized as a schedule 2 drug for medical use in treatment.