President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse to Leave Office if Trump Is Elected?

President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse to Leave Office if Trump Is Elected?

President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse to Leave Office if Trump Is Elected? President Obama told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in an interview that “in the best interest of our nation,” he will refuse to leave office if GOP candidate Donald Trump is elected president: ‘The current President claims he is fully prepared to ignore the popular vote if it means stopping Trump, having found what he believes is a little-known loophole that would allow him to remain in charge until he re-election is called.’

“As president, I must do what I feel is in the best interest of our nation,” Obama allegedly explained. “If the American people elect ‘the Donald’ I will be forced to take whatever actions I deem necessary.”

President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse to Leave Office if Trump Is Elected?

President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse to Leave Office if Trump Is Elected?

President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse to Leave Office if Trump Is Elected?

Do you think Obama will circumvent the democratic process and defy the Constitution in order to avoid having to relinquish power. Share and comment your thoughts!


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